2008 m. rugsėjo 30 d., antradienis

My Future Profession

When I was a child, I wanted to be an ice-cream seller, because I thought that they can eat ice-cream whenever they want. But since I was 16 I have been dreaming about psychologists profession. I find it interesting because my aunt had been studying psychology at Vytautas Didysis university not long ago and she is very interesting and communicative person. She made a great input to my understanding about psychologists and what is they work about. Also, I was interested in this profession because I have many relatives, who works as doctors and they had always expected me to choose medicine studies, but it's nor for me, because it's a very difficult science and you must be sure if you really want to do this in your future. So, I have chosen psychology, because this science is relative to medicine and very interesting to me, as it's all about person mentality and his body. I think, that after my studies I will work as a psychologist or some other profession like that, because it's a thrilling work with many new experiences every day, where you can communicate and help people.