2009 m. balandžio 16 d., ketvirtadienis

Richard Wiseman's experiments

Richard Wiseman is a psychology Professor at the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom. He is a very active scientist and has carried out many unusual researches in different areas of psychology.
Professor has gained a considerable reputation for his interesting and urgent topics of researches. He has analyzed many different fields, like luck, deception, humour and the paranormal. Some of this works is widely discussed till today. Moreover, he has written eight books, including the best-selling “The Luck Factor” and “Did You Spot the Gorilla?”. Recently his new work “Quirkology” has appeared in bookshops, where the curious psychology of everyday life is examined.
Richard Wiseman is known as an effective and entertaining speaker at public events. In addition to this, he hosts the popular telecast called “The People Watchers”. It examines various problems that we face every day and gives solutions to them.
Prof. Wiseman is known for his works at psychology science. Not only he has gained popularity in different countries, but also his researches have been featured on over 150 television programmes.
References: http://www.richardwiseman.com/

Learning Languages

I believe, learning languages is one of the most difficult task to do. Even though, teacher plays an important role in this process, but students must make some effort to achieve good results.
There are several ways how teacher can help students to learn language. The most important of which is to give plenty of practice in speaking and to get students to work in pairs or groups. When students work in groups, they can communicate with others fluently and if they don't know a word, they can ask their friends to remind it. Also, practice in different types of writing tasks and pronunciation correction is essential when we start to learn new language.
Speaking about me, I have some learning habits. I improve my foreign language by reading newspapers or magazines and guessing unknown words. As I read, I understand the word from the context and then I can see in which ways it can be used. Also, it is important to ask questions in class because it can be hard to understand foreign language things by your own.
Some people make mistakes in learning languages. The most common mistake is when they translate text from their own language to another. It is bad, because different languages have different grammar and the structure of sentence can be not the same. Also, it is wrong to speak in that language only when you are sure that you don't make mistakes. People should try to speak the way they can.
To sum up, there are many good techniques that can help us to learn language. However, we should remember that the achievements in learning mostly depends from us and we should try hard, revise new things at home and to have plenty of practice.