2009 m. spalio 13 d., antradienis

"Your True Colours" Summary

Not many people are aware of how and in what ways colours affect their minds. Still, many organizations influence their customers by using different colours every day.
Researcher John Ott has discovered that colour may affect peoples’ nervous systems and direct them to act in some particular way. This idea was strengthened by the experiment which showed that red surroundings raise blood pleasure and blue surroundings lower it. It was proved that colours do have an influence even to human organism. Moreover, red evokes subjective reactions of increased energy and hunger, while blue evokes relaxation.
The marketing world is highly aware of consumers’ reaction to colours. That is why they dye products which produce appetising. Furthermore, as well as making people hungry, red influence people to feel in a hurry and for that reason many restaurants dye their surroundings in this colour.
On the other hand, there are some cultural differences. It is known, that people from different countries prefer different colour of products. While the British are likely to pick green apple to the Americans’ red.
To sum up, colours influence people in many different ways. Even though, people can make this to work as an advantage.

Picture references: http://meendee.deviantart.com/art/Colour-Wheel-25599665