2009 m. gruodžio 3 d., ketvirtadienis


I really haven’t noticed how fast this term came to an end. We had a lot of work to do during this semester but I think it was the most exciting and informative of all elapsed semesters we had. Also, I believe I have achieved some good results and I will try to assess them here.
Writing a summary. It still remains one of the most difficult tasks, indeed. But I think I have improved myself in writing it. Even though, it is still hard to summarize text in a good manner, but I make fewer mistakes than I used to do it before.
Performance in ESP vocabulary tests. It wasn’t hard though. The modules were quite easy to read and I believe this was so because of two reasons. Firstly, we have gained some knowledge from our previous studies and it helped us to understand psychological text better. Secondly, we got used to read modules frequently. It is important to understand the text if we want to achieve some good results in vocabulary tests.
Performance in class dictations. My performance in it was the same as during the previous semesters. It is still one of the easiest tasks to do for me and I don’t make many mistakes in it.
Listening practice in class. It is very difficult to assess a performance in that kind of practice. Because every time I do this task in a very different way. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don’t. It depends on many things: tiredness, rate of speaking, attention and etc.
Listening to peers’ power point presentations. It is always good to listen to presentations made by peers. The themes they choose are really interesting and we can revise old information by listening to it. Also, we can ask some questions and have a discussion.
Making power point presentations. I have done this part quite successfully. I received a lot of questions and gained some good new information while preparing it.
Short talks on ESP themes in class. It was one of the most interesting things we have done. I like to express myself in English and to listen to others, so it wasn’t a difficult task. Also, it is good because it is improving our speaking skills which are very important in learning foreign language.
I believe, I have fulfilled all the requirements quite successfully and hopefully will pass my English exams.