2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Psychology of Laughter

We could not imagine the world without laugh, because it is the part of our daily lives. But do we know what is the purpose of it?

To begin with, it should be mentioned that laughter is a part of human behavior regulated by the brain. According to some researchers, we can separate two main types of laughter - spontaneous and nonspontaneous – which actually have different origins in the brain. Furthermore, there are some meanings for different expressions of laughter:

· Snorting: a snob expressing disapproval.

· Sniggering: insensitive, unsympathetic and immature.

· Cackling: loud, ape-like shrieks, enjoying the misfortune of others.

· Chuckling: kind and thoughtful.

There seems to be something to the old saying "laughter is the best medicine", as many researches have shown the benefits of it. Nowadays laughter therapies are widely used by doctors, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals. There are some different types of therapies, such as humor or laughter therapies or even laughter meditation. According to many reports, laughter can heal your immune system, dull your pain, improve your memory or lower blood pressure.

Laughter is not confined to humans only, it is proved, that animals can laugh too. Even though some behavioral psychologists argue that certain animals are not laughing in the "human manner". For instance, chimpanzees and rats laughter is not recognizable to humans, because it sounds more like breathing. Moreover, it is high frequency, ultrasonic sound, that can be heard by using special equipment.

In conclusion, laughter is very important to our routine. It can improve our mode and even health disorders. However, there is many unanswered question connected to laughter and it still remains a bit mysterious.

References: http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/pto-3726.html
Picture: http://stelladean.deviantart.com/art/Laughter-97499806

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