2009 m. vasario 28 d., šeštadienis

Summary of Happiness

Runt Veenhored has made a study based on happiness and ninety-five nations from all continents have attended in this research.
That survey is not about how happy people feel personally but about degrees of happiness in particular country. The study contains questions based on happiness using verbal response, such as 'very happy' and 'fairly happy'. The aim is to estimate what degrees of happiness are denoted by such terms in different languages.
In studies of happiness, researchers often combine slightly different questions. As they try to maximize the number of observations they accept some diversity in the studies they include. This causes several problems like: wording of response, language differences, comparability of happiness and so on. Moreover, there are always differences in interpretations of words and some words give rise to more differences than others. The use of such words must be avoided and therefore it is worth knowing which words cause confusion. For example, English respondents differ more in their ratings of the term ‘rather happy’ than of ‘fairly happy’ while the midpoints are the same, future researchers should better avoid the former term.
The results of study is quite impressive, it has shown that the happiest people live in Iceland and Denmark while the least happy are Zimbabwe and Tanzania people.
References: http://worlddatabaseofhappines.eur.nl/hap_nat/nat_fp.php
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1 komentaras:

Koo rašė...

I read about Lietuvos Respublika on the wiki.
i Surprised the worst suiside rate in the world in 2002.
How do you think about it??
