2009 m. gegužės 12 d., antradienis

End-of-Term Self-Assessment

Although, this term has flown away very quickly, but I believe I have achieved better results than before.
Writing a summary. I have written all the summaries and I have noticed that the same mistakes occur in most of them. I have looked through my mistakes and tried to memorized them. Even though, I believe now I am better at writing it, but still it remains the most difficult task.
Performance in ESP vocabulary tests. In my opinion, vocabulary tests were more difficult then before. One of the reasons could be that the modules were more difficult and sometimes we had to write tests from two of the modules at once and it was hard to memorize all definitions in English.
Performance in class dictations. We have written only one dictation and I have performed quite well in it. There were some difficulties with the endings of the words and double letters, but I managed to write most of the sentences correctly.
Listening practice in class. During this term we have done some listening practice and I have performed well in most of them. I find it quite easy to understand the main idea of the discussion or a dialog discussed by speakers. But sometimes it becomes hard to listen when someone is speaking with an accent or very fast.
Listening to peers’ power point presentations. Like most of us, I liked this part the most. It is interesting to listen to presentations made by my colleagues, because they select the most interesting things of their topics, we can ask questions and also, it is good to revise modules once again.
Making power point presentations. I still haven’t made a presentation, because this term was really hard and I had many things to do. I hope, I will manage to do it as soon as possible.
Short talks on ESP themes in class. I believe, speaking on themes in class is the best way to improve the English habits. We can not only speak in front of the class but also say our opinions, ask questions and discuss them. It was one of the most interesting parts and it had provided me the ability to say my thoughts more fluently.
All in all, I think that this term was more difficult but interesting. I have improved both: my speaking and writing habits.

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