2009 m. rugsėjo 29 d., antradienis

Self-assessment of Podcasting Skills

The title of the 1st podcast: “Psychology of driving”
The title of the 2nd podcast: “Impact of cat’s purring on their owners”

Online listening practice was new experience to me and both podcast’s topics were really interesting.
It wasn’t very difficult task to do. Even though, text was read in authentic speech I managed to understand it quite good. The rate of speaking was on average and it is a very proper rate for me.
I hadn’t got any problems with the first online listening “Psychology of Driving”, so I listened to it once. Although, the second podcast “Impact of cat’s purring on their owners” was shorter, but much more difficult. Its’ speech was really inarticulate and difficult to understand. For this reason I had to listen it twice.
Speaking about the usefulness of exercises, I believe the most valuable are open-ended questions and multiple choice tasks. It demands a lot of thinking and brainwork.
I believe I would be able to pass a listening exam paper. But to do it better, I should take some practice. I could improve my listening skills by watching English films and listening to podcasts as often as possible. However, I think that the best way to improve language skills is to talk to native speakers.

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