2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Psychology of Kleptomania

Kleptomania is the condition of not being able to resist the urge to steal. Person who is suffering from kleptomania can feel the pleasure just for stealing things. Even though, kleptomania can occur after brain injury or some poisoning.

Kleptomania is thought to be uncommon disease. Many people who suffer from kleptomania do not seek for professional treatment, because they are afraid they will be arrested for stealing. For this reason many cases of kleptomania may never be diagnosed. It is thought that about 5 percent of thieves have kleptomania.

There are many familiar symptoms to all patients who suffer from kleptomania. These patients have an irresistible tendency to steal items not needed for personal use. Often they throw away the stolen things, as they are mostly interested in the stealing process. Some people do not see the difference between person who is suffering from kleptomania and thief. The main difference is that thieves plan stealing.

Kleptomania has several different treatments: therapy or counseling. There are some different types of therapies, such as behavior modification or family therapy. Even though, researches have shown that psychological counseling is more likely to affect a long-term cure.

For some people kleptomania can look strange and uncommon disease. Although, there are many kleptomania cases, which have not been diagnosed, so we should not judge person or a child for his bad habit like this, because it could be the case of this disease.




Picture: http://www.offthemarkcartoons.com/cartoons/1993-11-04.gif

3 komentarai:

Karolis Cicėnas rašė...

Hey, Elena. I just love your blog. The colours, the pictures... very nice indeed! :) About this kleptomania essay I have just read - awesome. Informative, interesting, easy to read. One of the best works I have read so far. And I do read blogs of my fellow students ;)
Ok. Have a nice day and don't forget to smile! It suits you.

Ingrida rašė...

Brilliant! I like the style of this essay very much. Vocabulary is very understandable and that's why it is easy to read. After reading this essay I known quite a lot new interesting information about kleptomania. Good luck in your farther works :)

kristina rašė...

Hello, this essay appeals to me very much. I found out a lot of new things about kleptomania, such as 5 percent of thieves have kleptomania and to treat Kleptomaniacs. It was easy to read and understand, so I would like to come back to this blog and read other your works.:)