2008 m. lapkričio 24 d., pirmadienis

Effective Ways of Learning ESP Course

All of us have their own opinion what is the best way of learning ESP (English for Specific Purpose). But now I will describe my own methods and suggestions for learning this course.

First of all, you should read books written in English. If you want to improve your English knowledge and to know more about your speciality you should select books for special purpose. This method will improve your English vocabulary and let you know more about the object which interests you. Moreover, you will probably remember the spelling of difficult words and it will improve your reading skills too.

Secondly, it is good to watch English films associated with your speciality. You should choose this way of learning, if you want to enrich your speaking skills and improve your pronunciation. Also, when you hear phrases from others, who know the language better, you can memorize those words and use while communicating with others, especially foreign people.

And finally, search literature in your own language. If you don’t understand a text written in English you should search for a literature connected with the subject in your native language. Just by using this method you can understand what the text is all about.

In conclusion, I think that there are many good and original ways of learning ESP. Everyone can suggest his way of learning, because different ways suits for different people.

Picture reference: http://faboarts.deviantart.com/art/Tortuga-47313489

2008 m. lapkričio 21 d., penktadienis

"Introduction to Psychology" analytical summary

Robert S. Feldman is a professor, who has written many books on psychology. One of his monographs “Understanding Psychology” contains a lot of useful information about this science.

First module presents what psychology as a concept is and what subfields are included in it. There are eleven major specialties’, where psychologists work, for example: cognitive, personality, development psychologist and some other. These fields define human behavior, development and mental processes.

Second module describes the roots of psychology and five today’s perspectives. Text gives the main information about psychology pioneers and their ideas. Although some of them can be understood as a strange ones nowadays. However these thoughts have developed into perspectives seen today like neuroscience and humanistic.

And the last, third module analyses the major perspectives and what could have the main influence to them. Furthermore, text describes an example of different understanding in different cultures and gives some viewpoints about psychologies’ future.

To sum up these modules, they provide the main information on the science of psychology. It gives the knowledge which is the base to our understanding about this profession.

Picture reference: http://pesare.deviantart.com/art/On-The-Stairs-84189728

"Sleep and Dreams" analytical summary

“Sleep and Dreams” is the 14 module from R. S. Feldman’s book “Understanding psychology”. This module contains three main parts.

First part describes five major sleep stages. This chapter gives information about how deep sleep is during each stage and when we are dreaming. What is more, author gives some viewpoints about necessity of sleep and how much we need it.

The second part analyzes the functioning and meaning of dreams. Author presents some theories about the meanings of dreams. Even though, the real reason why dreams appear is still unknown.

The last part represents sleep disturbances. In this chapter, author gives the statistics which show how many people suffer from sleep disorders. Furthermore, this part also contains useful solutions how to solve sleep troubles.

In conclusion, this module describes the basic information about sleep and dreams. Author gives not only real facts and statistics, but also a lot of interesting and useful ideas which can be used in a daily life.

Picture reference: http://pesare.deviantart.com/art/Going-To-Sleep-67061943

2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Psychology of Kleptomania

Kleptomania is the condition of not being able to resist the urge to steal. Person who is suffering from kleptomania can feel the pleasure just for stealing things. Even though, kleptomania can occur after brain injury or some poisoning.

Kleptomania is thought to be uncommon disease. Many people who suffer from kleptomania do not seek for professional treatment, because they are afraid they will be arrested for stealing. For this reason many cases of kleptomania may never be diagnosed. It is thought that about 5 percent of thieves have kleptomania.

There are many familiar symptoms to all patients who suffer from kleptomania. These patients have an irresistible tendency to steal items not needed for personal use. Often they throw away the stolen things, as they are mostly interested in the stealing process. Some people do not see the difference between person who is suffering from kleptomania and thief. The main difference is that thieves plan stealing.

Kleptomania has several different treatments: therapy or counseling. There are some different types of therapies, such as behavior modification or family therapy. Even though, researches have shown that psychological counseling is more likely to affect a long-term cure.

For some people kleptomania can look strange and uncommon disease. Although, there are many kleptomania cases, which have not been diagnosed, so we should not judge person or a child for his bad habit like this, because it could be the case of this disease.




Picture: http://www.offthemarkcartoons.com/cartoons/1993-11-04.gif

Psychology of Laughter

We could not imagine the world without laugh, because it is the part of our daily lives. But do we know what is the purpose of it?

To begin with, it should be mentioned that laughter is a part of human behavior regulated by the brain. According to some researchers, we can separate two main types of laughter - spontaneous and nonspontaneous – which actually have different origins in the brain. Furthermore, there are some meanings for different expressions of laughter:

· Snorting: a snob expressing disapproval.

· Sniggering: insensitive, unsympathetic and immature.

· Cackling: loud, ape-like shrieks, enjoying the misfortune of others.

· Chuckling: kind and thoughtful.

There seems to be something to the old saying "laughter is the best medicine", as many researches have shown the benefits of it. Nowadays laughter therapies are widely used by doctors, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals. There are some different types of therapies, such as humor or laughter therapies or even laughter meditation. According to many reports, laughter can heal your immune system, dull your pain, improve your memory or lower blood pressure.

Laughter is not confined to humans only, it is proved, that animals can laugh too. Even though some behavioral psychologists argue that certain animals are not laughing in the "human manner". For instance, chimpanzees and rats laughter is not recognizable to humans, because it sounds more like breathing. Moreover, it is high frequency, ultrasonic sound, that can be heard by using special equipment.

In conclusion, laughter is very important to our routine. It can improve our mode and even health disorders. However, there is many unanswered question connected to laughter and it still remains a bit mysterious.

References: http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/pto-3726.html
Picture: http://stelladean.deviantart.com/art/Laughter-97499806