2008 m. lapkričio 21 d., penktadienis

"Introduction to Psychology" analytical summary

Robert S. Feldman is a professor, who has written many books on psychology. One of his monographs “Understanding Psychology” contains a lot of useful information about this science.

First module presents what psychology as a concept is and what subfields are included in it. There are eleven major specialties’, where psychologists work, for example: cognitive, personality, development psychologist and some other. These fields define human behavior, development and mental processes.

Second module describes the roots of psychology and five today’s perspectives. Text gives the main information about psychology pioneers and their ideas. Although some of them can be understood as a strange ones nowadays. However these thoughts have developed into perspectives seen today like neuroscience and humanistic.

And the last, third module analyses the major perspectives and what could have the main influence to them. Furthermore, text describes an example of different understanding in different cultures and gives some viewpoints about psychologies’ future.

To sum up these modules, they provide the main information on the science of psychology. It gives the knowledge which is the base to our understanding about this profession.

Picture reference: http://pesare.deviantart.com/art/On-The-Stairs-84189728

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