2008 m. lapkričio 24 d., pirmadienis

Effective Ways of Learning ESP Course

All of us have their own opinion what is the best way of learning ESP (English for Specific Purpose). But now I will describe my own methods and suggestions for learning this course.

First of all, you should read books written in English. If you want to improve your English knowledge and to know more about your speciality you should select books for special purpose. This method will improve your English vocabulary and let you know more about the object which interests you. Moreover, you will probably remember the spelling of difficult words and it will improve your reading skills too.

Secondly, it is good to watch English films associated with your speciality. You should choose this way of learning, if you want to enrich your speaking skills and improve your pronunciation. Also, when you hear phrases from others, who know the language better, you can memorize those words and use while communicating with others, especially foreign people.

And finally, search literature in your own language. If you don’t understand a text written in English you should search for a literature connected with the subject in your native language. Just by using this method you can understand what the text is all about.

In conclusion, I think that there are many good and original ways of learning ESP. Everyone can suggest his way of learning, because different ways suits for different people.

Picture reference: http://faboarts.deviantart.com/art/Tortuga-47313489

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