2008 m. lapkričio 21 d., penktadienis

"Sleep and Dreams" analytical summary

“Sleep and Dreams” is the 14 module from R. S. Feldman’s book “Understanding psychology”. This module contains three main parts.

First part describes five major sleep stages. This chapter gives information about how deep sleep is during each stage and when we are dreaming. What is more, author gives some viewpoints about necessity of sleep and how much we need it.

The second part analyzes the functioning and meaning of dreams. Author presents some theories about the meanings of dreams. Even though, the real reason why dreams appear is still unknown.

The last part represents sleep disturbances. In this chapter, author gives the statistics which show how many people suffer from sleep disorders. Furthermore, this part also contains useful solutions how to solve sleep troubles.

In conclusion, this module describes the basic information about sleep and dreams. Author gives not only real facts and statistics, but also a lot of interesting and useful ideas which can be used in a daily life.

Picture reference: http://pesare.deviantart.com/art/Going-To-Sleep-67061943

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