2008 m. gruodžio 11 d., ketvirtadienis

Self-assessment Of Success In Learning ESP

Since I have been learning ESP course I found out many new ways of learning, speaking and writing in English. Now I will describe my own achievements in this subject.

Speaking about writing summaries, I had had some experience from my previous studies, but here I have found out some new techniques and methods. Now I know how to write an analytical summary and what things and words shouldn't be included in it. Even though, sometimes I make the same mistakes, but I think that it is natural.

The most difficult part in learning was writing comprehension tests on modules in psychology. But I think that it gives the opportunity to look weather you have understood the subject or not. It is very useful because if you can't explain the subjects' milestones in English so maybe you haven't understood it in Lithuanian too. But I think that more or less I have succeeded in this part.

To tell the truth, I still haven't presented my power point presentation, but I am likely to do this in the near future. In my opinion, this kind of job improves my speaking habits the same as impromptu speaking in a class or performance in listening practice. It is so because when we hear other people speaking we can memorize some words and use them in expressing our ideas.

Also, it was quite interesting to me to have my own weblog and to write contributions in it. It is the space where you can express yourself, create the atmosphere that everyone can see and say their own opinion about it.

All in all, I think that this course is more effective than the general English. We learn how to express our ideas and communicate with others. Moreover, now I know much more about psychology in this language, although I haven’t been very successful in some of its parts.